Engaging with our environment helps us form bonds with the people around us. It promotes health and our general sense of wellbeing. And even with the added difficulties, this remains true for Dementia patients. It can take some time to learn how to help encourage social interaction for a person with dementia. But even a small effort can have a big impact on their life.

When regular SOCIAL INTERACTION takes place in an environment with MUSIC, and the opportunity to SING and DANCE, the therapeutic value to people with Dementia increases three-fold......   



The areas of the brain that recall music and nurture singing are among the last to be affected by Dementia.

Many people with Dementia can enjoy choral singing and gain health benefits from it well after other opportunities for creating, learning, and enjoying friends seem out of reach. Care partners also benefit from singing.

This is what  studies have shown: 

  • That while singing, memories are produced that contribute to self-discovery, self-understanding and identity.
  • That memory and mood in people with dementia significantly improved when they took part in regular singing or listening to music.
  • There is an increase in learning and retention of new verbal material in persons with Dementia, and  singing engages brain regions responsible for motor action, emotions and creativity



In respect of  someone with Dementia, dancing has been shown to encourage communication, and provide an outlet for self-expression. The therapeutic use of  dancing (movement) can further the emotional, cognitive, physical, and  social integration of the individual.

In regard to individuals living with Dementia, dancing is effective in stimulating social interaction, enhancing mood, reducing anxiety and depressive symptoms, increasing self-awareness and self-expression.

It has been shown that dancing can even maintain - and at times improve - memory and cognitive functioning. The focus of communication is on non-verbal attunement and mindfulness, both of which become increasingly important as many forms of Dementia affects language and cognitive awareness.


VIDEO: The Dementia Music and Social Club. Our Monday Club Xmas Party  2024.


VIDEO: The Dementia Music and Social Club: Our 2024 Easter celebration Club session.

                                         OUR VOLUNTEERS

Read about all our Volunteers on the OUR VOLUNTEER page.      Read about all our entertainers on ABOUT OUR ENTERTAINERS page



               You can view all our WEEKLY photos and videos on our FACEBOOK page here :



  A couple of  quicky VIDEOS of our Clubs:


 CLICK HERE for the MONDAY CLUB         




(You can view all our weekly photos and videos on our FACEBOOK page:)  



                                        Our lovely Volunteers


Both our Clubs continue to grow!

Enquiries are increasing all the time and new Members coming along to the Clubs.

So we are continuing to grow and attract those people affected by Dementia and their Carers to our Clubs, where they can find INFORMATION, SUPPORT and a few hours of PLEASURE, provided by a team of Volunteers totally committed to providing this vital service that welcomes people from within and outside of the L.B.Havering.  

If you are a professional, with a remit, or just an interest, in Dementia services, why not come along and see VALUE of what we do ?   



Every MONDAY (except bank holidays)

From: 1pm - 3pm,

At:  St John's Church,  

South End Road,

Rainham.  Essex.  RM13 7XT




From 1.30pm - 3.30pm

At: The United Reformed Church,

Western Road,

Romford. Essex.  RM1 3LP


Firstly - You must have a ratified Dementia Diagnosis, and for Health & Safety reasons, you must be accompanied by a Carer (either a friend, family, or professional.) for the whole Club session.

As a Not-For-Profit, self-funding voluntary organization, we finance DMSC by asking for a £6 donation per person - per attendance, at our 2 weekly Clubs,  (Private Carers go FREE), We also survive via fund-raising activities and donations.  


Please come and join us for a chat, refreshments and  good entertainment. we look forward to seeing  you soon.  

(PLEASE NOTE:  Let us know you are coming along to the Club for the first time, by phoning either LISA or CAROL. 

Feel free to share our Website with your family and friends, or anyone else who you think might benefit from our services. 


 LISA: 07721 458581  or  01708 536646. Mon-Fri. 8am - 5,30pm

Welcome to our website. 

I am a Self-Employed Co - Ordinator for DMSC.

Here’s a little explanation about how I became involved with “THE DEMENTIA MUSIC & SOCIAL CLUB”.

I have a personal connection with the devastating illness that is Dementia. My father sadly passed away in 2012 after approximately six years of gradual decline, in which I saw him revert back to a childlike state. It is a truly awful illness and affects everyone in the family. There wasn’t as much awareness and help when we needed it back then, but we did what we could to ensure my dad was happy and my mum able to cope. There were many heartbreaking times and also some funny ones.

I often danced with Dad around the coffee table in their little lounge and we sang Christmas carols in the height of Summer!!! The icing on the cake was when on one occasion I kissed him goodbye and Dad announced that I shouldn’t go yet as Colonel Gaddaffi was coming to tea!! We laughed and we cried..... You have to 😓😊.

We did recognise music as a common theme in the illness. Dad would recite all the lyrics to old songs with gusto but didn’t know what day it was or how to clean his teeth. He had vascular dementia which meant his mobility wasn’t the best and he couldn’t walk very far in the later years. What was amazing was how he could still dance. Oh how I wish the Singing for the Brain groups had been there for him and us to enjoy.

In early 2014 I joined the Alzheimer’s Society’s “Singing for the Brain” groups as a volunteer after much coaxing from my wonderful mum who had already enrolled. Having been through the dementia journey with my father I wasn’t sure at first if it was something I could do but decided to give it a go. I can honestly say it’s by far the best thing I’ve ever done and I’ve never looked back.  I completely understand and empathise with all of those currently going through it. I get such satisfaction from seeing our members become animated with the music. The transformation in them is amazing and the atmosphere is joyous and happy.

For the next five years I volunteered whenever I could alongside other paid jobs then in 2019 I became employed with the Alzheimer’s Society. I took on a temporary paid position to manage and run the clubs till the end of January 2020. Sadly the Society withdrew its funding, and it became necessary to transition the group to a self funding private concern. We could not let such a brilliant service come to a halt when we see at every session what a difference it makes to the lives of the service users. 

Then in March 2020 the Covid pandemic hit and I spent my time on the phone of FaceBook, trying to keep people connected!  We had catch-ups in the local park, small garden gatherings, online video sessions and a thankful short-lived return to clubs in September 2020.  We’ve sadly lost some very dear friends along the way, but our lives are enriched for having known them. 

In October 2022 many of us Volunteers decided to start anew with our own group. Thus, THE DEMENTIA MUSIC & SOCIAL CLUB, was born, and we are looking forward to working together to continue provide a much needed, enjoyable experience for those with Dementia and their Carers.


 Or Contact - CAROL: 01708 731325 or 07854314149.  ANYTIME.

OR e-mail:  DMSCenquiries@hotmail.com



CLICK on the below to go to our FACEBOOK page. We have over 800 Members and new Members joining every week!  

The Dementia Music and Social Club 




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